#CascabelGiveback 3 Winner – Cabaleta!

“Cascabel Giveback” is an exciting initiative by Cascabel Companies. Within the framework of this initiative, we provide emerging talents with the opportunity to produce a high-quality music video free of charge. The first edition of Cascabel Giveback was awarded to the talented country artist Alyssa Marie Coon for her captivating song “A Little Bit in Love,” directed by renowned director Nuno Gomes. In the second edition, urban talent Laen took home the prize for his track “My City,” directed by the talented director Francisco Useche.

Today, we are thrilled to announce the winner of Cascabel Giveback 3: CABALETA, an alternative rock band. Congratulations!

Furthermore, we extend a warm invitation to the Cascabel community who wishes to be a part of our production team for CABALETA’s music video. If you’re interested in participating, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at giveback@cascabelcompanies.com.

Stay tuned as we’ll be sharing exciting updates about this project. Thanks to all for your continued support!
